Online Meeting (Live)
Business Start-up/Preplanning, Disaster Planning, Managing a Business, Risk Management
Cuáles son las áreas que amenazan la operación del negocio y los posibles efectos de esos riesgos para poder controlarlos. Qué factores externos e internos afectan a su negocio, y por consecuencia, su crecimiento y permanencia. Identifique los riesgos comunes relacionados con situaciones que pueden presentar un riesgo, y cuáles son las señales de advertencia de riesgo para un pequeño negocio. ******************************************** Este taller es virtual y sin costo alguno. El taller sera impartido en Español / This is a virtual no-cost webinar. It will be facilitated in Spanish only. ************************************************ What are the areas that threaten the operation of the business and the possible effects of those risks in order to control them. What external and internal factors affect your business, and consequently, its growth and permanence. Identify common risks related to potentially hazardous situations, and what are the warning signs of risk for a small business.
Este taller es virtual. No hay costo alguno por atender al taller, pero previa registración es requerida. Solo los participantes que estén presenten en línea el día de la presentación obtendrá copia de la misma posteriormente.
Registration Policies:
Registration and Fees: Payment of seminar fees may be made by check, money order or credit card. Payment must be received to guarantee your space in an event. You may receive special payment instructions by email once you register to the event
Refund Policy: If you wish to request a refund, please contact the conference organizer listed above to discuss. You may also elect to send a substitute in your place. If the event is cancelled, all fees will be returned.
Special Accommodations: In accordance with the American Disabilities Act and state law, you may request accommodations due to a disability by contacting the event organizer listed above. Advance notice may be necessary for some accommodations. Registration must be paid prior to accommodation requests.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Talbot County Chamber of Commerce for more information.
101 Marlboro Avenue, Suite 53, Easton, MD 21601 – 410-822-4653 –