Online Meeting (Live)
Business Plan, Business Start-up/Preplanning, Managing a Business
Aprenda los conceptos básicos de Excel, incluyendo la creación y el formato de hojas de cálculo, el trabajo con fórmulas y funciones, la manipulación de datos y la generación de tablas y gráficos. Cubriremos temas esenciales como la referenciación de celdas, la clasificación de datos, y el filtrado. Al final del taller, estará equipado con el conocimiento y la confianza para manejar tareas básicas de datos y crear hojas de cálculo básicas. El dominio de Excel es muy valorado para su negocio. Obtendrá una ventaja competitiva y ampliará sus oportunidades comerciales. *************************************************************************** This webinar is in Spanish only/ Taller sera en Español. Sin ningun costo, pero require registración *************************************************************************** Learn the basics of Excel, including creating and formatting spreadsheets, working with formulas and functions, manipulating data, and generating charts and graphs. We will cover essential topics such as cell referencing, data sorting, filtering, and much more. By the end of the course, you will be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to handle basic data tasks and create basic spreadsheets. Excel proficiency is highly valued for your business. You will gain a competitive edge and expand your business opportunities.
Taller es ofrecido sin costo alguno. Registración es requerida. Solo aquellos participantes que asistan al taller se le distribuira una copia de la presentación.
Registration Policies:
Registration and Fees: Payment of seminar fees may be made by check, money order or credit card. Payment must be received to guarantee your space in an event. You may receive special payment instructions by email once you register to the event
Refund Policy: If you wish to request a refund, please contact the conference organizer listed above to discuss. You may also elect to send a substitute in your place. If the event is cancelled, all fees will be returned.
Special Accommodations: In accordance with the American Disabilities Act and state law, you may request accommodations due to a disability by contacting the event organizer listed above. Advance notice may be necessary for some accommodations. Registration must be paid prior to accommodation requests.