Online Meeting (Live)
Business Start-up/Preplanning
Join this training to learn tips on how to create a business and generate extra income without giving up your day job, your family or your life! In these difficult times, if you are trying to make a big change or just need some extra cash, a side hustle can help you build a foundation to move on to something else. If you love your day job, that’s great too—the hustle will provide a creative outlet and a backup plan. When you have more than one source of income, you are no longer dependent on a single employer. You will have much greater opportunity. You will learn new skills. Oh, and you’ll also have … more money. When you have more than one paycheck arriving every month, you feel better about yourself. You look to the future differently, and you consider a wider set of options as you make decisions. It’s also fun. Starting a side hustle is like “playing entrepreneurially” without making a huge commitment. Learn how to maintain work/life balance, find a niche, test feasibility, and create a simple business plan and strategy, while preventing the major pitfalls associated with starting a new venture on your own. The training will also assist with the creation of simple financial projections to ensure your side hustle is worth your time. Presenter, Brandon Mason, Maryland SBDC
A log-on link will be sent to registrants the day/evening prior to the training.
Registration Policies:
Registration and Fees: Payment of seminar fees may be made by check, money order or credit card. Payment must be received to guarantee your space in an event. You may receive special payment instructions by email once you register to the event
Refund Policy: If you wish to request a refund, please contact the conference organizer listed above to discuss. You may also elect to send a substitute in your place. If the event is cancelled, all fees will be returned.
Special Accommodations: In accordance with the American Disabilities Act and state law, you may request accommodations due to a disability by contacting the event organizer listed above. Advance notice may be necessary for some accommodations. Registration must be paid prior to accommodation requests.